Sustaining Leadership In Complex Times | BCPVPA Connecting Leaders 2020

  Posted Oct 24/20 by David DeRosa for BCPVPA Connects

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Sustaining Leadership in Complex Times — What Every Leader Needs — and Needs to Know — Are you challenged to find an extra minute in the day for yourself? With so many unknowns on the horizon, and the diversity of complex and new challenges, our school communities are looking for certainty. Discover the Compassionate Systems Leadership framework, and the proven strategies to sustain yourself and your team. Explore critical foundations that support core leadership and learning capacities. This engaging session will incorporate your professional context and experiences as you create a plan to sustain both yourself and your leadership team. —- David DeRosa is a Principal, Compassionate Systems Leader, Teacher, Husband and Dad who is passionate about creating generative spaces where leadership can develop and thrive.

With two years as the President of British Columbia’s Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Association behind him and 30 years of experience in the education sector, David has returned to his hometown and roots. He is currently the Principal at Rossland Summit School, in Rossland, BC where he spent his youth and then started his education career as a Teacher. 

As organizations, individuals and teams rush to solve problems and struggle to do more with less, David provides relevant strategies to sustain ourselves, enhance our relationships and strategically improve our systems.

David holds a BPE in kinesiology, a BE in secondary, MEd in leadership and MP in compassionate systems leadership.

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