Ethics and Leadership


Tim Cook: Developing An Ethical Compass


Communication Skills


Corporate Values



“Ethics must begin at the top of an organisation. It is a leadership issue and the chief executive must set the example.”
– Edward Hennessy

This comprehensive resource includes a link to the original online article, video links and a PDF of the material. 

Ethics is part of the discussion when it comes to leadership, as leaders and organizations have to make ethical choices every day. The kind of role these ethical decisions take within the organization naturally depend on the leadership style and the vision the company wants to use. Ethical leadership is a model, which emphasizes the importance of ethics in decision-making and highlights the positive impact the leadership style can have.

Ethical leadership is based on trust and respect. For the framework to work, ethical leaders must align their own ethical standards with those of the organization and ensure there is an environment of openness. Ethics isn’t a stagnant concept, but it requires constant challenging and re-evaluation in order to provide the benefits.

But the dynamic nature of the leadership theory also makes ethical leadership challenging to accomplish. Consistency can be difficult to maintain and aligning different ethical standards will be crucial for leadership success. Nonetheless, having a well-thought ethical framework can help in the decision-making process, especially in today’s complex world.