Welcome to Better Educate

Your source for education resources
shared by educators just like you.

New drills, instructional videos, files, links, and other resources are constantly being shared by fellow educators. Our unique system allows you to organize, rate, and follow your favorite resources.

See a Preview

Sample views of content within our network of educators.

Hundreds of Resources

Easily browse through and search for drills by educator, sport, level, and category. Quickly group them for your practice or to share with your peers.

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Education Community

Have a education question? Put it out to the education community with our education forum and start some dialog that is sure to help you learn and improve as an educator.

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Unique Dashboard

Your dashboard is customizable by you with your favorite resources, news, statistics and more.

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Features of Better Educate

What you get access to when you become a Better Educate member.

Access to resources shared by other educators

Easily browse and search through hundreds of resources organized by educator, organization, level, and category. Resources are constantly being added by fellow educators.

Organize your favorite resources

Quickly organize or bundle your favorite resources for use in your class or to share with your peers.

Create your own education profile

Highlight your education profile with your own educator page which features your education and teaching experiences, bio, followers, and any resources that you share with the education community.

Extensive Analytics of resources

The BetterEducate.com system has extensive analytics built in, keeping track of views, favorites, and ratings of all your favorite resources. All displayed in elegant charts and graphs.

Better Educate Pricing

Single Educator

Per member, per year

Effortlessly share resources, action plans and communicate through the platform
Connect with global educators and thought leaders
Develop your professional profile and evidence-based portfolio or CV

Schools (5-74 members)

Per member, per year

Effortlessly share resources, action plans and communicate through the platform
Connect with global educators and thought leaders
Develop your professional profile and evidence-based growth plan, portfolio or CV
Branded site with the power to pin material & manage communications
Create groups, teams and collaborative partnerships in your school and around the world
User support

Organizations (75+ members)

Per member, per year

Effortlessly share resources, action plans and communicate through the platform
Connect with global educators and thought leaders
Develop your organization-aligned professional profile and evidence based growth plan, portfolio or CV
Branded site with the power to pin material & manage communications
Create groups, teams and collaborative partnerships in your school and around the world
Produce analytics reports
User and organization support

Network statistics

The BetterEducate.com network is constantly growing. Here are some example statistics of the resources shared.


Contact us anytime

Please contact us anytime by submitting your inquiry below.
If you want a sneak peak at the BetterEducate.com community, click here.

Thank you for contacting us.
We will respond within 24 hours.
Box 295
129 Chase Road
Christina Lake, BC V0H1E0