An Introduction to Connection Circles - Plastics and Ocean Debris

  Posted Oct 08/20 by David DeRosa for BCPVPA Connects



Systems Thinking Tools for Kids

Developing Awareness Using Connection Circles

Finding solutions to problems is different from solving problems. We often don't think about the many connections that make even a simple problem on the surface more complicated below.

In this lesson I am introducing students [grade 4] to a systems thinking tool, the Connection Circle. We are going to start with an engaging video of the tragic 2011 tsunami that struck the coastline of Japan. We will then use the map and images to see how far the debris from the tsunami travelled - we will use these images as a launch to discussing how oceans connect us. This will then connect to a more general sharing of shoreline debris.

We will then look at the graph of plastics in our oceans and their potential sources. This will lead to further questions and discussion about single-use plastics and the accumulation of plastics in our oceans. 

The Connections Circles video will introduce students to the systems thinking tool and how our use of plastics can connect to ocean debris. 

In groups of 3-4, students will then use the Plastic Connection Circles pages to make connections between the plastics we use and/ or where our plastics go. 

Then we will develop our 'I wonder' questions...

2011 Tsunami - Japan


Connection Circle - INtro