Setting and Supporting the Groundwork for Equity

  Posted Jul 09/20 by Sean Cowie

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This year our Admin Team chose a school-wide theme: The Kindness Project. We are not the first school to take up a project of kindness in schools. Our intent was to make stronger connections to inclusion, community building, acknowledging diversity, difference, and address manifestations of intolerance and conflict in our school. In regards to equity, the attached graphic artifacts were designed as first steps to encourage middle school students to think outside of their own experience[s] and to acknowledge diverse perspectives and the needs and challenges in their school and broader community. Potentially, students should be able to acknowledge and understand the need for equity initiatives and potentially become active participants in them as well.  The power is in finding synonyms to "kindness" and practicing curiosity, empathy and awareness in our daily lives. We started with a graphic campaign (screens and billboards) that presented impactful and defining words and then began to build school-wide projects for students to work on throughout the school year.